
The mobile app landscape is ever-evolving, as businesses and developers look for effective strategies to reach a wider audience across different platforms. That is where cross-platform app development comes in; it enables you to develop one codebase that runs seamlessly on multiple operating systems. One such solution that stands out in this rapidly expanding field is .NET MAUI (Multi-platform App UI), offering powerful yet user-friendly development of next-generation applications.

What is .NET MAUI?

.NET MAUI, short for Microsoft MAUI, is an open-source framework from Microsoft designed to enable developers to create native mobile applications for iOS, Android, macOS, and Windows using C# and XAML (.NET Extensible Application Markup Language). It serves as the successor to Xamarin.Forms framework while offering a more streamlined development experience with an enhanced feature set.

What is .NET MAUI used for?

.NET MAUI's versatility makes it suitable for an array of mobile app development projects, with specific use cases, including

  1. Business Applications: For internal tools, CRM (customer relationship management) apps, and data visualization dashboards are prominent examples.
  2. Consumer Applications: Create engaging social media apps, e-commerce platforms, and productivity tools that attract users.
  3. Enterprise Mobility: Develop secure mobile solutions to access corporate data and workflows securely
  4. Games with 2D Graphics: 2D graphics casual games use .NET MAUI's capabilities.

What are the benefits of using .NET MAUI for cross-platform development?

Multiple benefits make .NET MAUI an attractive choice for cross-platform app development:

  1. Reduced Development Time and Cost: By writing one codebase that can run across multiple platforms, .NET MAUI significantly cut development time and costs compared to creating individual native apps for each platform.
  2. Faster Prototyping and Iteration Cycles: With its hot reload feature, .NET MAUI allows developers to see any UI changes reflected instantly, speeding up prototyping and iteration cycles and helping bring ideas quickly into existence. This streamlines development processes while helping ideas come to life faster.
  3. Native Look and Feel: MAUI apps use platform-specific controls and functionalities, providing a truly native experience on each targeted device. Users won't feel like they're using a generic cross-platform app!
  4. Simplified Resource Management: With .NET MAUI, resource management becomes simpler by eliminating separate resource folders for each platform and centrally managing images, fonts, and other resources for optimal maintenance overhead costs.
  5. Reusing Codebases: With one central codebase, developers can reuse a significant portion of code across platforms to reduce development time while increasing code consistency and maintenance ease.
  6. Integration with Blazor: .NET MAUI easily integrates with Blazor, a web framework which enables developers to use C# and web technologies for creating user interfaces using C# programming language and technologies for building mobile and web-based apps, opening up opportunities for code reuse between them.
  7. Large Developer Community: MAUI takes full advantage of the large .NET developer community by offering access to extensive resources, tutorials and support services for developers.

Is Xamarin replaced by MAUI?

Yes, Microsoft is actively developing and promoting .NET MAUI as the successor of Xamarin.Forms; while both technologies will continue supporting existing projects. .NET MAUI offers several advantages over its predecessor, making it better suited for new developments than Xamarin.Forms such as:

  1. Improved Performance: With new rendering technologies incorporated, .NET MAUI offers improved performance and an enhanced user experience.
  2. Richer Set of UI Controls: Creating complex yet visually appealing user interfaces is now easier.
  3. Enhance Developer Experience: With features such as hot reload and improved integration, MAUI provides developers with a more streamlined development workflow.

Xamarin.Forms vs. .NET MAUI

FeatureXamarin.Forms.NET MAUI
Release Date20162022 (Preview 1)
StatusStill supported for existing projectsActively developed and recommended for new projects
UI ControlsLimited setA richer set of controls
Developer ExperienceLess streamlinedMore streamlined with hot reload and better VS integration
Future OutlookLimited future developmentActively developed with continuous updates

Xamarin to .NET MAUI Migration

Xamarin.Forms is being replaced by .NET MAUI as the cross-platform app development solution of choice, for both mobile and desktop development. Here's an outline for migrating from Xamarin.Forms to .NET MAUI:

  1. Preparation:
  2. Update Your Apps to Xamarin.Forms 5: To minimize API differences during migration, ensure your current app uses the latest version (Xamarin.Forms 5) by switching over from using previous versions, such as 4.0.1.
  3. Update Dependencies: Update all external libraries your app uses to their latest compatible versions. This reduces conflicts and ensures compatibility with .NET MAUI.
  4. Migration Steps: There are two main approaches for migration:
  5. .NET Upgrade Assistant: This automated tool streamlines the process for many Xamarin.Forms apps. It converts project formats, updates namespaces, and addresses some breaking API changes. However, manual intervention might be required for full functionality.
  6. Manual Upgrade: This involves a two-step process:
  7. Upgrade your Xamarin.Forms project and any native Xamarin projects (Android, iOS, etc.) to use .NET 8.
  8. Upgrade your Xamarin.Forms library project to a .NET MAUI project.
  9. Additional Considerations:
  10. Project Conversion: Convert your Xamarin.Forms project to the .NET SDK style.
  11. Namespace Updates: After migration, namespaces used in your code will likely change (from Xamarin.Forms to Microsoft.Maui).
  12. API Changes: Some APIs in Xamarin.Forms might have changed or been removed in .NET MAUI. Be prepared to address these changes in your code.
  13. NuGet Packages:
  14. Remove Xamarin.Forms and Xamarin.Essentials packages.
  15. Replace the Xamarin.CommunityToolkit package with the .NET MAUI Community Toolkit equivalent.
  16. Update SkiaSharp packages to .NET MAUI-compatible versions if applicable.
  17. Custom Renderers: Xamarin.Forms renderers need to be ported to .NET MAUI handlers.

.NET MAUI vs. Flutter vs. React Native - Difference in Table Format

Choosing the right cross-platform development framework depends on your specific project requirements and team expertise. Here's a comparison of .NET MAUI with two other popular options, Flutter and React Native:

Feature.NET MAUIFlutterReact Native
LanguageC# and XAMLDartJavaScript
Learning CurveModerate (familiarity with C# and XAML is beneficial)Steeper (learning Dart and understanding widgets)Moderate (familiarity with JavaScript is helpful)
PerformanceExcellent, leverages native UI componentsExcellent, uses Skia graphics engineGood, may have some overhead due to bridge communication
Native Look and FeelSuperior, uses platform-specific controlsHigh, custom widgets provide a native-like experienceGood, relies on third-party libraries for some native features
Developer CommunityLarge and growing, with support from MicrosoftVery large and activeExtremely large and active
Suitable forBusinesses with existing .NET expertise, performance-critical appsComplex, visually appealing apps, single codebase for web & mobileProjects requiring a large developer pool, rapid prototyping
Cost of Hiring DevelopersPotentially lower due to a larger pool of .NET developersMay be higher due to a smaller pool of experienced Flutter devsCan be moderate, depending on the JavaScript developer's availability

Finding the Right Framework for You

For businesses and developers searching for an efficient cross-platform mobile app development framework, .NET MAUI may present an attractive choice. Here are some key factors that you should take into consideration before making your choice:

  1. Existing Developer Experience: For developers familiar with C# and XAML, .NET MAUI offers a smooth transition with a minimal learning curve.
  2. Performance Requirements: When projects demand top performance along with native user interface components, MAUI excels.
  3. Project Complexity: .NET MAUI is adept at handling applications of various complexities effectively.
  4. Integration Needs: If your mobile app requires integration with a .NET backend or Blazor web app, .NET MAUI ensures seamless integration.


The mobile app development landscape is continually shifting, and .NET MAUI stands at the forefront of this exciting journey. By prioritizing developer productivity, performance, and native experience for businesses that use it. As an inclusive framework that empowers developers of all levels - from experienced programmers to beginner-level coders - .NET MAUI offers an immersive and rewarding development experience for every seasoned and novice developer alike. Hire professional .NET developers today to take your mobile app development to new heights!


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